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Pop In 2 Lyrics

Pop In 2 歌詞

Pop In 2 Lyrics

Verse 1

Walking down the street, head hung low, Feeling like a zombie, moving so slow. Thoughts tumbling in my mind, like a broken code, Trying to make sense of it all, but feeling lost in the crowd.

Verse 2

Suddenly, a melody caught my ear, A familiar tune that chased away all my fear. The lyrics poured over me, like a warm embrace, Guiding me through the darkness, giving me a sense of grace.


Pop In 2, Pop In 2, Your rhythm fills me, makes my spirits renew. With each beat and every word, You heal my broken heart, making everything absurd.

Verse 3

The lyrics spoke of love and pain, Of hope and despair, of loss and gain. They resonated deep within my soul, Mending the pieces that had been torn and stole.

Verse 4

As the song ended, I felt a sense of peace, A newfound hope that my heart was not deceased. Pop In 2, you saved me from despair, Reminding me that even in darkness, love can still be there.


I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me, Feeling its healing power set my spirit free. In that moment, I realized the true power of music, Its ability to transcend words and touch our very core with logic.


Pop In 2, Pop In 2, Your rhythm fills me, makes my spirits renew. With each beat and every word, You heal my broken heart, making everything absurd.


As I walked away, the song still lingered in my mind, A reminder that even in the chaos, beauty can be found. Pop In 2, thank you for your healing grace, For giving me hope and a brighter place.
