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A Career Built On Fairness And Impartiality


Fabio Maresca: A Respected Referee in the World of Football

A Career Built on Fairness and Impartiality

Fabio Maresca is an esteemed referee who has earned a reputation for his fair and consistent officiating style. Having taken to the field in 1997, he has gradually risen through the ranks to become one of the most respected referees in Italy and beyond.

A Strict but Fair Approach

Maresca's approach to refereeing is characterized by a strict adherence to the rules and a determination to ensure fair play. His consistent application of regulations has earned him the trust of both players and managers alike.

Officiating High-Profile Matches

Maresca's exceptional skills have led him to officiate numerous high-profile matches, including games in Serie A and international competitions. His appointment as the referee for the highly anticipated clash between Inter Milan and Juventus is a testament to his reputation as an impartial and capable official.


Fabio Maresca is a shining example of what a referee should be: fair, impartial, and dedicated to upholding the integrity of the game. His contributions to the world of football have made him an admired figure both on and off the field. As he continues to officiate at the highest level, Maresca will undoubtedly continue to leave a lasting impression on the sport.

