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Accurate Diagnosis For Reimbursement

Tourette's Disorder: New ICD-10-CM Code for Billing

Accurate Diagnosis for Reimbursement

Healthcare providers now have a specific ICD-10-CM code to diagnose Tourette's disorder for billing purposes. The code, WEB F952, is valid for the current fiscal year and can be used to indicate a diagnosis of Tourette's disorder for reimbursement. This will ensure accurate and timely billing for services related to the management of Tourette's disorder.

Increased Clarity and Efficiency

The introduction of WEB F952 as a billable ICD-10 code signifies a significant advancement in diagnostic coding practices. It eliminates the potential for confusion or miscoding when submitting claims for patients with Tourette's disorder. By using a specific code for this condition, healthcare providers can streamline the billing process and improve the efficiency of their operations.
